

Foundation for 21st Century Skills

Kindergarten students show up with curiosity and wonder. Our curriculum challenges them to discover, learn and develop problem-solving and social-emotional skills. Here's what you can expect your kindergartner to learn:

  • The Five Senses
  • Once Upon a Farm
  • America: Then & Now
  • Counting and cardinality up to 20
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Shapes and coins
  • Contextual problems
  • Comparing numbers
  • Place value-composing and decomposing
  • Measurable attributes
  • Engineering
  • Five senses
  • Properties
  • Living and non-living
  • Plant life cycle
  • Animal life cycle
  • Plants vs animals
  • Caring for the Earth
  • Patterns  and seasons
  • Weather tools
Social Studies
  • Home, school and community
  • Laws and leadership
  • Needs and wants
  • Place and time
Social Emotional Learning
  • Move This World daily morning meetings

What your child needs to know

  • Identify letters and sounds of the alphabet.
  • Grip a pencil, crayon, or marker correctly.
  • Write first name using uppercase letters (Bonus if they can use upper and lowercase letters!)
  • Count objects to 10. Say numbers to 20.
  • Behavior/Safety Skills: stay with your adult, raise your hand for permission to speak, come to an adult when in need.