Get Involved

Your Involvement Matters


Join the PTAPhoto of PTA parent leadership

Our Inglewood family is stronger and better because of parent involvement. The PTA keeps parents informed, gives parents a voice and enriches our school. Please join. 

A simple way to support the PTA is to sign up for Amazon Smile, Kroger Rewards or MemberHub Gift Cards. These programs will donate a portion of your purchase price to our PTA at no cost to you.


Become a Community Partner

Inglewood Elementary is one of only two schools in Metro Nashville Public Schools with the expertise of both a full-time Community Achieves Site Manager and a full-time Magnet School Site Coordinator. Both roles serve to support our deep commitment to provide the resources and opportunities that make our students thrive. We ensure success for everyone by aligning the engagement and marketing goals of partners with the needs of our students and school. We are grateful for the many partners who provide resources, support and opportunities for our students and teachers. Learn more about our partners.

For more information about partnering with Inglewood, please call 615.262.6697 or email us. Our Community Achieves Site Manager will get back to you soon!